Planning for Final film

 My team and I sat down to schedule the filming dates. We started by looking at everyone's schedule.  seeing what we could do to accommodate everyone. We realized that if we started the process early and met up about once a week on Sunday we would have the project finished in no time. Then we moved on to talk about locations to film. There were a to of options so we had to narrow it down and see what worked the best for our scenes. We came to the conclusion that the holiday park, my dad's office, and Jade's house were the perfect spots to film at. Next, we moved on to a simple topic of who will be in the film. And it was pretty easy we don't have that many characters just Me-Trevor Regli, jade Walrave, Ely Silverberg, Kacy Marshell-Ayden's mom, and luke Hamill- Ely's stepfather. Our film doesn't require many physically demanding parts except for the one scene where our main character gets injured.  We are going to ensure we have the right safety gear on sight in case anything goes wrong. We are going to make sure it will look as real as possible while still making it very safe. Props are a big portion of our film and there all easily accessible. For example, football, microphone, interviewing devices, weights, etc. The props will be a huge piece of our film so we made sure to pick the best ones. The costumes will consist of classic football athletic wear, professional attire, and casual attire. We also spent a while coming to the verdict of what costumes would fit our characters the best. We created a list of all the different types of backup plans in case anything goes wrong. We put other locations' costumes or props we can use if the first ones do not go as planned. We took our time with the planning process so filming would be a piece of cake.


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