Le Jetee, the short and 12 monkeys remake

 Le Jetee and the remake 12 Monkeys have many similarities, one would assume with the tag of a remake, but also contrast quite variably in the way they are produced and shown on screen. Le Jetee is a strange film in the fact that it is not actually a fluid motion picture but instead a photo novel of still pictures about a post-nuclear war experiment in time travel. On the other hand, 12 monkeys is a motion picture about a convict that is sent back in time to gather information about a man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. Both movies can be broadened up into the genre of sci-fi, as much of the movie's take place in futuristic worlds where time travel exists. One of the biggest takeaways I got from watching this video is that remakes are able to live up to the feeling of original movies as long as they are done properly. This relates to our project in that we can take certain aspects of well made movies and use them as inspiration and guidelines in our project in order to make a film that can resemble the works of a Hollywood level movie. Other information I gathered while watching this video is splicing genres together to create a more dramatic feel. In the video, they use examples from the movie 12 Monkeys to show how they are able to take a sci-fi thriller and integrate aspects of doomed romance to create that dramatic, emotional effect. I believe this can be integrated into our film in some way or another in order to give our film emotion.

   The article on the comparison of Le Jetee and 12 Monkeys had many similarities to the video, with most of the ideas stated in the article also being shown throughout the video. The article focuses on the fact that Le Jetee and 12 Monkeys are similar in many ways, but not a carbon copy of one another as 12 Monkeys was never meant to be this way and rather a longer homage to the film Le Jetee. I think this aligns with the idea stated in the video that both movies are amazing in their own right and a good remake can be done without directly copying the work of the past movie. This also reinforces my plan that we can use successful movies from our genre of choice, action, and use aspects of them that we think would work in the context of our movie. Reading this article gives me a stronger understanding of how filmmakers use the strengths of movies and incorporate them into their movie to create a film that may be better than the previous and we plan to use this strategy as well moving forward.


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