Genre Research: Comedy

      Common camera angles in the comedy genre: 

Establishing shot, extreme close-up, long shot, point of view shot, two shot, and tracking shot. 

Common Mis-en-Scene in comedy: 

In comedy there are lots of different approaches when it comes to the Mis-en-Scene. Really any prop or costume that will surprise the audience works for comedy. They can be filmed anytime, anywhere. 

Common editing aspects in comedy: 

Lots of jump cuts, over-extended scenes, and cross cuts. Comedy films usually use lots of jump cuts to help the transition between dialogues by each character as dialogue is extremely important in comedies 

Common Sounds in Comedy: 

Diegetic Sound, non-diegetic sound, ambient sound 

 Some comedies tend to use laughing soundtracks in an attempt to bring out the humor of the situation. 

Example films in Comedy: 

Blended, Grown Ups, Murder Mystery, Don’t Look Up, Despicable Movie, 21 Jump Street, Superbad 

Features I really like in the comedy genre are the extreme close-up, two shot, non-diegetic sound, and jump cuts. I think these aspects do a great job bringing out humor in comedy films. 

Features I don’t really like are point-of-view shot, ambient sound, and over-extended scenes. I believe when these film aspects are used in comedy films, it makes the film less funny as they are very predictable and not very creative. 





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