Genre Research: Our Choice

 My group decided to choose the drama genre. The genre looks extremely interesting to film with and I am supper excited to work on it with my group. We wanted to be original and try out a different genre this year since we have already tried the thriller. Since we have an extended amount of time for the film it makes it easier to choose the drama genre so we can add all the details. We chose the genre because it fits in with many of the shooting locations we have already decided on. This also helps us with the editing and music as well. Through drama we can really highlight the acting in the film so out number 1 goal is to perfect our acting in the film. We do want to focus on avoiding mistakes that are common in the drama genre. We want to focus on avoiding acting that is overdone and corny. We do need to tweak certain things on our pitch but we must go over that with our group before we can make those changes.


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