
For this short film research I chose Pommel by Paris Zarcilla. Pommel is about two British-Asian gymnast brothers and draws on the filmmaker's own experiences of growing up in an Asian household in the UK. 

With an overbearing and disapproving father, the elder brother begins to take out his frustrations on his younger brother. Both Pommel and our short film are of the sports drama genere. sound can be used to assist in the creation of tension, mood, tone, and changes in rhythm. This short did not include much dialouge, most of the emotion and feelings were conveyed through the characters actions and faces. 

The short included mainly diegetic sound. There was not much noise added to the movie. The use of mainly diegetic sound made the story seem more realistic. The director did however remove a lot of sound. This created tension and was able to focus your attention on the actors portayol of thier feelings.

The most common Costume, Lighting, Sound, and
Props in this genere were close ups, over the shoulder shots, and two shots. most of the editing was done by jump shots. This is my favorite genre becuase of how realistic the movies are. However, the only downside of drama is that sometimes the films can seem long and a drag along.


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