Intro Blog A level

  Hi, I am Ely Silverberg and I am now in 11th grade. I am so excited to make a new video for Media A level. This is a new year and I am more motivated then last year. Going into last year, I had no experience of filming or editing. Now after completing last year and gaining lots of knowledge, I am ready to tackle this years challenge. I like to think that I am a good student. I listen to directions and very importantly now when to be quiet. One thing about me that I'm not very fond of, is my procrastination. I will procrastinate anything if I have the chance. Although when it comes to work and tests I take this very serious and make sure to study. I make sure I am on top of my work and have good grades. I am a very creative thinker and like to think out of the box. I have 2 dogs and love them dearly: one is a Golden Doodle and the other is a Cavachon. Although they are needy, they are the best and a fun responsibility. I also have an older and loving sister. Her name is Maya and we get along very well because she's in college and we never see each other. I believe that I have a decently enough work ethic and if I put my mind to something, I can get it done in a timely manner. Last year this class helped me with my procrastination and put an overall end to it. I enjoy editing videos and am very excited for this years final project. 


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