Group Blog A level

 I am very excited about this year's final project. Although I made great friends through my films last year, this year I will be working with two new people. In my first ever film, the commercial, I worked with Jade Walrave. For this year's final project I will be working with her again because she was a viable asset. Jade is creative and smart and will add to the group. She is somewhat like the director of the film because of the way she can view things. Next in the group is Trevor Regli. Trevor and I are friends going into this project and know we can count on each other to make a good film. Trevor is a very skilled actor and will most likely be the main role in our film. He adds a lot to the table when it comes to being able to portray what we want to see. Last but not least is Ayden Marshall. I am also friends with Ayden and have lots of faith in him. I have seen Ayden edit many films before and know he will be a great editor. Ayden enjoys editing
videos in his free time so the editing for this film will be a breeze for him. I believe I am a strong asset to this group. I have good camera skills as well as an act. I am ambitious and will get all of our work done in an efficient and timely manner. Last year we all had our own individual struggles but this year we will be flawless. We are all friends in this group and therefore I believe we will work well together. This year will be a challenge but if we work together and communicate we will succeed and put together an amazing film. I am super excited to show you what this group has to offer.


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