Final Task:Relief
Finally me and my group have finished our film. From now on there will be no changes big or small made. I am very impressed of the outcome of our final product. It has taken many hours of planning as well as actual doing to complete this project. I could not have imagined doing it alone and am very thankful for my group members. It was easy to work with them because we are all close friends. This video took blood, sweats, and tears and lots of hardworking to make. I am proud to show everyone our amazing project. This project is our best by far and can not compete with the others. It has all the good aspects of a good film and more. To see how far I've come from the first blog and commercial is astonishing. The amount of progress I've made in this short time can only be taken to the next step. I am additionally proud that Cambridge will be able to see our project. They will see that we have a talent for film making as well as filming. I want to continue to pursue filming as it is all based on creativity. I am extremely excited to see where this takes me in the future. I will continue to strive to gain more
about filming and see where it brings me. The video you will soon be watching is a true masterpiece.
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