Final Task:Coming to a Close

 Today marks the day that we have officially finished filming and editing. It has been an enjoyable experience to say the least. I have learned lots about all the types of camera angles, editing, and so on. I would never think that my own two minute film would turn out this good. Before this year I had little experience on anything about filming and editing. Now I can say that I have created commercials, as well as music videos, and even my very own opening scene. I am so grateful for all of the things I was taught and will carry it with me forever. I learned which and when specific camera angles can be used. This now changes how I watch movies, because I am now aware of the purpose of all the different angles. As well for editing. How hard and time consuming it is, but it ends up worth it. Arguably the most important, good editing takes film very far. On the other hand, a movie with good camera angles and bad editing is an overall bad movie. I am now also aware of the fact that picking out music and the effort to legally get music is extremely hard. I always took for granted how movies got these Cool soundtracks and never considered the effort it took to get them. I plan on improving my skills and potentially consider a career in this path. There is endless opportunities and infinite freedom on developing my skills and creativity. This was a well worth experience and would use it in the near future.


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