Final Task: Peer Editting

 Today we had a special requirement to help improve our films. We were told to give our final products do a different group. The people in this group would watch and them give helpful critiques. They told us some of our flaws, and things we can improve on. They enjoyed our film overall, but gave same good suggestions in ways to improve. One suggestion was to have less cuts and film longer scenes. When originally filming, I thought of this, but it was hard to obtain. Since there is now another group suggesting this, we will work on this and fix it. Another suggestion they had was to not glance at the camera. Occasionally me and the others in the group would look at the camera at the end of the scene. We did not realize this and this helped us open our eyes. Not only were there bad critiques, but some good as well. Some good critiques included our actions. While filming we worried our acting was too stiff and didn't bring out the story. Luckily from others point of view it was not bad. Additionally, they enjoyed our camera angles and fast paced film. Our idea of the film was to make it seem like the actors or being watched and it showed. This made us extremely happy to know that we completed our goal just like we wanted to.


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