Final task: Sound

 After getting a bit of filming done today we wanted to decide on some sounds. To make a good movie music and sound are key. Thankfully I did lots of research and had good stuff to share with the group. My other partners also brought good ideas. We decided that in the beginning we will do some eerie music. We all like the effect eerie music has on a movie. Therefore we will start off with eerie music but we wanted to be different. Furthermore halfway through it will switch. It will turn into robotic like futuristic music. This sounds strange but really has a good effect on the final outcome. After deciding the sounds we decided that filming more was a good next step. We did not film in chronological order. Instead we filmed all of the group scenes first. We did this because we don’t know if we could always all be able to record together. Filming these parts were very hard and took many tries. Even after we thought we had a good take care e tried for at least 2 more. Getting the hardest part done first was a good idea. This will make our life easier in the future. We want to finish filming over spring break. We will do this and take advantage of our no school time. Our final task project will turn out great. 


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