Final Task: Music

 Today my group and I had a different approach and strategy. Instead of working together in person we decided to change it up. We all made and joined a call so that we could still communicate. Our goal was picking out a song. Although this might seem like a fairly simple task, it's not. We can not just steal the song and there is actually lots of things you must do before. There are options of not using copy righted music, but none of them really fit what we were looking for. We found a couple songs we liked, and completed the first step on our plan. The next couple steps were the actual hard steps. We contacted the owners of the songs. We wrote a very professional email and also explained the purpose for us using their song. I feel like this might take a while to get a response. We thought of this in advance and asked multiple producers. Whether they be extremely famous or not. We also had an extra back up plan. That plan was to have a non copy righted sound just in case. Although it's not or first or even second choice its there. It is not completely bad, just not the perfect fit for us. Hopefully we get responses, but if not we are still ready to complete the project.


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