Final task: editing

 Today was another accomplished day
Today was the day me and my group decided to begin editing the film. Editing is a very long part of the project. It is arguably the hardest part of them all. Editing can easily make or break the impact of the film. The weather outside was very nice so we decided to begin editing while sitting outside. It was not to hot in he beginning so we were getting lots of work done. As time went past and we picked out the best shot for each scene, it got hotter. All the clouds in the sky went away so we were forced inside. The group and I were prepared coming into this editing day. We in advance picked out all of our ideal shots for each scene. Doing this saved us ample time, but did not help in all situations. When putting the shots together some of the backup scenes helped the film flow better. We used the app cap cut. It is on both phone and computer and the people in my group are familiar with it. I have also used it a couple times in the past. After hours of working we thought ton have a rough draft of the final product. We now had several different areas that needed our attention. This included the sound, transitions, lighting and etc. These all help benefit the appearance of the film. So we decided to continue working and finish the editing strong. After finishing and rewatching we were very happy in our final product. 


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