Final Task-Backup

 Today was a bad overall day. We had plans to finally record and start the filming side of the final task. Instead, we had to have a change plans. We are all on our school's football team and there was a meeting. This meeting would be occurring at the same time that we were supposed to film. These change of plans through us for a loop. Luckily we had backup plans. Our backup was to film next week. We are on spring break and don't have school. This will make it easy fir us to make plans to meet each other and film. Instead I individually researched more about sounds. I was researching sounds that would sound futuristic and intriguing. Thankfully I found this super interesting website with tons of information. They have endless sounds and uncopyrighted music. The only problem is that you need a subscription for the website. This subscription cost money that I don't have. I will continue to search for free sounds. 


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