Title Design Research:Sci-fi

The movie that I watched was “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” it is in the Sci-fi genre. I used the "Art of the Title" website, and the url is (www.artofthetitle.com). During the opening scene, all the people who helped with the production of the movie were included. In this is the casting designers, make-up artist, etc. The way these titles were printed on the opening scene was very subtle. This was good because I saw them, but they did not take my attention away from the background. There were a few different images in the opening scene. These images are not still but slightly moving. These photos are of all planets. This entices me to want to watch the whole movie. The images were all in space and had yellow writing in the background explain. This writing showed the past. As if it is setting up the movie by explaining the devastating things that have happened in the past. This is done extremely well as the images flip from one to one. It helps establish a sci-fi feeling by including objects that are not normal to Earth. This includes extra-terrestrials, and other creatures that some believe top is not real. Thos eerie feelings help the movie fall into a Sci-fi genre. The music playing in the background helped the majority. It was a very usual song if you have watched any previous Star Wars. This helped appeal to the audience as we will see a world in ruins. It will then transfer to how they have rebuilt their life in the future. The editing of the opening scene is enjoyable to watch. They make it as if it were a slideshow of an old past turning into the new. This makes me really want to watch the whole movie to see how they build from it. In the opening scene there are no details revealed about the actual movie that is to come. 


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