Title Design Research: Sci-fi


How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 

It displays colony pictures, the fyzz facility, ontario creates, lane e productions, xyz films and blue ice pictures all as studios that worked on the film. It lists Telefilm Canada with participation of producing. It then lists main actors and actresses acting in the film. Next, It lists who casted the actors and actresses. Then, the visual effects supervisor and who wrote the music. Then, it lists the costume designer, editor, color designer, production designer and director of photography. Finally, it lists the co, associate, executive and head producer. It then lists the writer and person responsible for screenplay. It then finally shows the director and the title screen of the movie. 
What connotations do the image carry? 
The images make you feel scared and paranoid. They are dark and change quickly. 
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 
The title sequence uses conventions that are used in the sci-fi genre. They used conventions such as technology, robots, digital effects, and futuristic technology. 
What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 
Throughout the whole sequence the main topic is futuristic robots and technology which is a convention for science fiction. Someone who likes science fiction might be drawn into this sequence


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