Genre Research: Star Wars
Common Camera Angles
Some common camera angles in Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith are Establishing Shots, Medium Shots, Tracking Shots, Hip Level Shots, Wide Angle Shot, and Eye Level Shots.
Common Mis-En-Scene
Some common Mis-En Scene such as props and setting in Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith are
lasers, holograms, spaceships, robots, technology, and space and different planets.
Common Sound
Some common sound in Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith are beeping noises, high pitched "laser" noises and many digital type noises.
Common Editing
Some common editing aspects used in Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith is a lot of CGI, jumping from scene to scene using transitions, they also use a lot of panning and intense music during battling scenes.
Some aspects I would like to use are the robots, holograms, technology, spaceship setting, and the beeping noises that are commonly used in sci-fi.
Some aspects I would not like to use is CGI obviously because it would be much to hard. I also do not like transpositions on newer movies because it might look corny and cheesy. We also wouldn’t use intense music.
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