Genre Research: Passanger


Common CAMS in the movie: 

Passenger includes lots of two-shots as well as over the head shot. These shots help the movie by moving it along as well as showing their surroundings. Even though at some points the image is focused on the actors, a clear glimpse of the background shows how futuristic it is. This helps appeal to the audience and create a liking for Sci-fi fans. 

Common CLAMPS in the movie: 

Uniforms in the movie stay consistent. They are long sleeved and long pants that are light grey. Grey and white 100% have future feels and help the movie add to the Sci-fi part. If a small detail like the costumes being a distinct color, I think that would not help the movie, but hinder it. 

Common Sound in the movie: 

Robot wheels are commonly heard in this film. As well as sounds you could imagine flying through space. You can tell that their setting is not a common Earth setting and is imaginary. 

Common Editing in the Movie:

The editor for the movie has had previous experience with Sci-fi. She has helped in the making of Star Wars: Force Awakens. This being noted, Star Wars and Passenger have remarkably similar editing styles. Mostly realistic and futuristic type feels that does not seem too unrealistic. 


I like the fact that movie has a clear pot that is set from the beginning. It includes enough future as well as current technology that makes it enjoyable to watch. It has everything it needs to be an enjoyable Sci-fi movie to watch. 


I do not like that the movie does not have much or any action scenes. There is no man vs man conflict but definitely man vs environment. A couple of action scenes would enhance the overall entertainment of the film.



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