The Uphill Battle

 I was very nervous coming into today. Editing was a hard challenge for me and my group. Combined we had no previous experience editing. Instead of being stuck and not working, we all worked together. Using each others ideas and thoughts we slowly started editing each scene. At first I added every video i took so i could decide which worked together the best. At first the time came out to be one minute. Knowing that the commercial had to be no longer than 30 seconds, we had work to do. We went scene by scene to find the best possible combinations. After editing the first scene that had put us down 15 seconds. This put our total time to forty five seconds. This made us feel way more comfortable and we knew we could include every scene within the time limit. We continued to edit each scene and ended up completing with time to spare. Our final commercial came out to be 29.8 seconds and had the best of each scene possible. I believe that our commercial was great. We saved some work for next class and are expecting to pick a song and add it to the commercial. This will be our last part of completing the commercial. After we finish this we will be done and will submit the commercial.


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