Final Mission Success

  Today we finished our commercial. Our last steps which we completed today consisted of editing and song choice. We discussed many options for a song choice. We decided we needed a hype song to make people want to watch the commercial. After finding the song we had to find the right 30 seconds. As none of us had edited before we needed to also learn how to place the song in the commercial. We had friends from another group who completed this help us. They showed us how they did there's step for step. After watching them we learned how to emplace the song. Thankfully this step did not take to long. We all took turns watching the now completed the commercial. We each fixed a transition to help the commercial flow better. This step took approximately 30 minutes. This was our first time working as a group. It proved too be successful and therefore most likely work together in the future. I am very happy with the effort everyone in the group gave. Without everybody doing their part we would have never finished. But in the end we did finish. We completed a 30 second long commercial. This commercial had all of our work and sweat into it. Wether it be through our acting, videoing, or editing.

571 BEST "Mission Accomplished" IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock


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