CCR Questions

 1. Our product, Adidas is used in most peoples everyday life. Wether it be shoes, clothes, or sport equipment. Adidas has opportunities to support professional players as well as sports. For example, James Harden famous basketball player, is sponsored by Adidas. Some of the money he receives from this he donates to underprivileged and people in poverty. This is how Adidas bring awareness to social groups.

2. Adidas numerous of stores and has its products sold online. It is very simple and easy to get your hands on their products. In previous years Adidas holds giveaways as well as competitions for young athletes to get a pair of Adidas footwear. This helps consumers interact with Adidas and potentially buy more merchandise. They also hold charities that benefit aspiring athletes who can't afford the needed gear to play their respected sport.

3. This was my first time truly recording and making my own video. This project really helped me understand all of the hardworking and different skills you need to make your own commercial. my understanding of video taping different angles and scenes. I first thought we would get it done in one shot and it would be prefect, buy then soon learned that was impossible. After finished recording I know understand how to record and to shoot multiple shots and angles of one scene so it makes editing easier.

4. I mostly used one source of technology and that being my phone. I recorded every scene using my iPhone. Then when it came to edit the video, I used there software called iMovie. This allows you to simply input all your videos into one long video. This software easily helps you edit and is practically editing for dummies which was very helpful for me. This is because I have never edited before. These specific tools made it very simple for a first time commercial created to successfully make a commercial.


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