Planning is important


Our storyline of our music video will include props such as a blindfold, graduation cap, wig, football, and some money. Our main prop is a blindfold though. 


In our music video the main character's life speeds by as he closes his eyes. Main events in most people's life will occur such as marriage, death, promotions, and raising a kid. The main character will wear blindfolds and normal clothes while other actors will dress as children, dress for a funeral, dress for a wedding and dress as old people. This will involve things like suits, wigs, hats and casual clothes. 


November 18: Our group will create the storyboard and decide on props and final decisions. 

November 20: Filming Day 

November 21: Editing Day 

November 27: Editing Day 

Location List: 

We will have one location and that will be in the main character's deathbed in a set created in a group members' house. This shows the main character remembering all the moments in their life as they are passing away. 

Backup Plan: 

If we cannot use a group members house for this project we will film at the beach as an old man reflects on all the memories he had there. Weather will not affect this factor because we can film this in the rain or in the sunshine. If an actor is missing, we can find a replacement actor to fill in for the actor.


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