CR:Final Film
The short film "One Last Drive" tells the story of a high school football player named Trevor (RJ) who suffers a devastating injury during training. The film explores the impact of the injury on Trevor's mental health, as well as the broader issue of mental health in the context of sports and athletes. As Trevor struggles to come to terms with his injury, he begins to feel isolated and disconnected from his teammates and the sport he loves. He begins to experience symptoms of depression, including feelings of hopelessness and a lack of motivation. The film highlights the societal pressure placed on athletes to perform at their best, often at the expense of their mental health. It also sheds light on the lack of support and resources available to athletes who are struggling with mental health issues. Throughout the film, Trevor is forced to confront his own feelings of sadness and the pressure he feels to succeed. Ultimately, the film serves as a powerful reminder of the ...